
McRae Applauds Reeves, State Legislature for Support of Israel

JACKSON, Miss. — State Treasurer David McRae this week joined Governor Tate Reeves and key lawmakers during a bill signing for SB2226, the Israel Support Act. This legislation permanently extends Mississippi’s 2017 anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) provisions and increases the allowance for Israel Bonds from $20 million to $50 million.

“I am incredibly proud to join Governor Tate Reeves as he signed the Israel Support Act this week,” said Treasurer David McRae. “It is imperative that Mississippi continues to not only be a vocal supporter of Israel, but an economic partner as well. This legislation’s two-pronged approach helps combat the anti-Israel BDS movement that seeks to financially starve our ally while also expanding Mississippi’s access to profitable investments that benefit taxpayers and simultaneously deliver Israel with an economic lifeline. It is essential that we continue to stand with Israel against hate, antisemitism, and terrorism.”

McRae has long championed efforts to expand access to Israel Bonds, as the bonds provide a strong rate of return while offering much-needed support to a key U.S. ally. He has also been a vocal opponent of the BDS movement, an anti-semitic attempt to hamstring Israel’s economic potential.

Mississippi has been invested in Israel Bonds for the last four years and has earned over $2.2 million in interest income.