Unclaimed Money is on the Polar Express to You

Brittany CominsNewsroom

The State Treasury’s Unclaimed Money team is issuing the second batch of Unclaimed Money checks to roughly 6,000 Mississippians just in time for Christmas! These checks are part of the State Treasury’s proactive plan to return outstanding unclaimed money to Mississippi residents. By Christmas, the Treasury will have returned roughly 10,000 checks for a grand total of $4 million! This … Read More

The State Treasury’s Gift Guide

Brittany CominsNewsroom

The Advent calendars are out, Christmas bells are ringing, and holiday deals are flashing across every device. Yes, the season of gift giving is upon us. If you’re stumped for a gift, let me provide a few ideas that the Mississippi State Treasury can be helpful with! As you may know, the Treasury manages the Mississippi Affordable College Savings (MACS) … Read More

Give Thanks

Brittany CominsNewsroom

I know many are ready to dig out the tinsel and ornaments, but I encourage you to wait a bit and savor Thanksgiving’s turkey and stuffing first. In today’s fast-paced world, many don’t have the time to pause and find gratitude – we’re too busy moving on to the next thing! So today, I wanted to take a moment and … Read More

MPACT is 100.1% Funded

Brittany CominsNewsroom

When I took office in January 2020, the Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition’s (MPACT) Legacy Plan had a 72 percent funding ratio. What this means in practical terms is that taxpayers were about to be on the hook for over $125 million. I am a fiscal conservative to my core, so asking for a taxpayer bailout wasn’t in the cards … Read More

A Treasurer’s View of Trump’s Victory

Brittany CominsNewsroom

America has just completed one of the most consequential elections in our history – an election that largely hinged on a single question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? Given that President Trump amassed more than 300 electoral votes and the support of more than 72 million Americans, the answer was proclaimed loud and clear: … Read More

Legislative Updates for Mississippi College and Career Savings

Brittany CominsNewsroom

Americans owe about $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, according to Pew Research. Now, I want to be clear: That’s a hefty sum that is difficult for many families to manage, but I don’t believe it’s right to ask taxpayers to take on the costs others have incurred. Just think how unconscionable it would be if the government forced you … Read More

Unclaimed Money is Headed Your Way

Brittany CominsNewsroom

The seasons are changing, which means many of us are tucking away the shorts and pulling out our coats and gloves. With that in mind, I’d like you to think for a moment about the excitement that comes when you reach into that winter coat pocket and find a stray bill or two that you forgot about before packing it … Read More

Why We “Dig” College Savings

Brittany CominsNewsroom

This month, your College and Career Savings team attended the MHSAA Volleyball State Championship Games in Clinton. While we had a lot of fun cheering on the teams, we had a bigger purpose: We had some cash to give away! I’ll admit: It wasn’t exactly cash. Instead, it was $5,000 worth of scholarships, delivered in the form of a Mississippi … Read More

Mississippi: A model for the nation

Brittany CominsNewsroom

I have long believed that Mississippi could be a model for the country. As the national economy faltered, Mississippi produced historic investment returns. When the federal government was taking more money from hardworking Americans, Mississippi was returning in excess of $100 million in unclaimed money to our citizens. And as was reiterated earlier this fall, when America’s credit rating weakened, … Read More

Don’t Spend More Than You Make – Balancing the Budget

Brittany CominsNewsroom

Don’t spend more than you make. It’s as simple as that. In Mississippi, we live by this rule, yet the federal government spends far beyond its means. In Mississippi we make good with taxpayer dollars, we don’t spend more money than we have, we save and invest, and we always balance our budget for the year. Washington needs to take … Read More