
McRae: Promises Made, Promises Kept at the Neshoba County Fair

By Treasurer David McRae

It was about four years ago that I made a few promises at the Neshoba County Fair. I promised to maintain Mississippi’s strong credit rating, be fiscally responsible with your taxpayer dollars, modernize the state government, and be a true conservative as your State Treasurer. As I return to this year’s Neshoba County Fair, I am proud to say these were promises made – promises kept.

Today, three years into serving as your State Treasurer, Mississippi’s credit rating has not only been maintained, but strengthened.

When it comes to fiscal responsibility, the state is on an incredible trajectory. The debt negotiations I’ve undertaken with Governor Reeves and others have produced $285 million in savings. On top of that, the last revenue report confirmed Mississippi had a $700 million surplus – even after paying off a half-million dollars of debt.

On modernization, our team has made a number of changes to make state government work better for you. For example, we updated the unclaimed money system and began allowing folks to make their claims completely online. The changes have helped us return more than $75 million to Mississippians and set three consecutive state records in the amount of money returned.

We also made it easier to access your college savings funds and used private-sector investment knowledge to turn the Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (MPACT) program’s books right-side up.

And when it comes to being a true conservative, I have never faltered on those values. I defeated a Biden-administration plan to have the IRS spy on the bank accounts of law-abiding citizens. I challenged a socialist mortgage rule that forces families with good credit scores to subsidize the mortgages of those with bad credit ratings. And I have stood against woke investment policies that put a liberal agenda above your pension or retirement.

Of course, there is always more to do. We are facing real fights ahead – especially as the federal government continues to spend with abandon, weaken our economy, and drive the left’s woke agenda through investment and monetary policy. But there will be time to address all of that in the weeks and months ahead.

Today, I am simply humbled to have had the opportunity to carry out the promises I made at previous Fairs. It is the honor of a lifetime to be able to serve the state I love.

I hope you too have the opportunity to visit the Neshoba County Fair, July 21-28. See you there!