
National Unclaimed Money Day – Do you celebrate?

If you scroll through Instagram, it seems as though there’s a “National Day” for almost anything: Houseplant Appreciation Day (Jan. 10), Scrabble Day (Apr. 13), Chocolate Chip Day (May 15), Hug Your Cat Day (Jun. 4), Left Handers Day (Aug. 13), and Clean Your Fridge Day (Nov. 15). Of course, there’s one day often left off the social media feeds: National Unclaimed Money Day (Feb. 1). It’s unfortunate that’s the case, however, because this is a day that can help many citizens finally reconnect with their long-lost money.

Unclaimed money describes cash or stock that has been transferred to the state for safekeeping until you or your heirs reclaim it. While it may seem impossible for you to have missing money like this, it’s actually quite common. In fact, about one in 7 people have some kind of money owed to them that has been forgotten about!

Returning this cash is one of my primary missions as your State Treasurer. Already, we have given back more than $85 million to Mississippians – and there’s still more left to return! If you haven’t done so recently, please check the list at

I know that in the past, people have felt the return process was burdensome, but I want to reassure you we’ve taken steps in recent years to make it easier than ever. Our new eClaims system, for example, now allows many Mississippians to complete their claims online with just a few clicks of the mouse.

The other question I’ve gotten from Mississippians is whether the amount left to return is worth the hassle. First, I’d say we have tried to eliminate as much hassle as possible. Second, I think it would surprise folks to learn the average claim in Mississippi during my tenure has been about $2,000. Needless to say, it’s worth checking out the list!

Of course, even if your claim is less than that, think about the last time you reached into an old coat pocket to find a $20 bill. Regardless of the claim’s size, that’s the kind of quiet excitement we hear from folks every time they search their name and find money.

Returning unclaimed cash lets me and the State Treasury help you and your family thrive, but we need your help to make the proper match. Help us do that by looking at the list and searching for unclaimed money in your name.

With that, I will close by wishing everyone in Mississippi a Happy Unclaimed Money Day!