The next step forward


“The next step forward in building an inclusive society is making sure every young American gets a great education and the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.” Those words from President Trump’s State of the Union this week really stuck with me, as they touch on one of the core responsibilities I have as Mississippi State Treasurer. In addition to … Read More

Tonight’s State of the State Address


Were you able to catch Governor Reeves’ State of the State address this evening? He did a great job, focusing on fixes to the prison system, workforce development, and teacher pay. All in all, I thought he laid out an aggressive and substantive plan for the future of Mississippi. At Treasury, we are excited to support his workforce development agenda … Read More

The First Week


Good Monday morning! Last week began my time as Mississippi Treasurer, and I must say that I continue to be humbled by your support and encouragement. Thank you. Even amid the busyness of the swearing in, I am excited to report that we have largely finished the hiring process. Our team is ready to hit the ground running, and we … Read More