Cruel Summer

Brittany CominsNewsroom

President Biden’s economic policies will wreak havoc on Mississippi families once again this summer. Consider this: since the President took office, prices have increased by nearly 20%, according to the Senate Banking Committee. Grocery costs have increased. Gas prices have jumped. Even electricity bills have skyrocketed. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reports electricity prices have gone up 13 times … Read More

Standing Against Hate and Antisemitism

Brittany CominsNewsroom

The last few weeks have brought chaos and uncertainty for Israel, and Israel’s supporters. Antisemitic protests have broken out on elite college campuses across the country. Turkey shut down trade with Israel. And President Biden threatened to withhold critical weapons from Israel. Simply put, the Middle East’s only democracy is under an economic, public relations, and military assault right now. … Read More

MPACT Enrollment Closing May 31

Brittany CominsNewsroom

Tis the season for spring concerts and science fairs, end-of-year projects and graduation party prep. Yes, summer break is looming for many (and our kids can’t wait!) With the end of each school year, however, comes the end of the Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (MPACT) open enrollment period. On May 31, MPACT enrollment will conclude for the season. And … Read More

McRae Announces 2024 Art Contest Winners, $7,000+ in Scholarships

Brittany CominsNewsroom

JACKSON, Miss. – David McRae this week announced the 2024 College Savings Mississippi Art Contest winners with a reception at the Mississippi Museum of Art. Twelve students and one teacher took home more than $7,000 worth of scholarships during the event. “I love getting to see students’ imaginations and dreams run wild in their artwork,” said Treasurer McRae. “I hope that … Read More

Continuing to Stand with Israel

Brittany CominsNewsroom

The October 7 Hamas attack on Israel was just one episode in a series of murderous events that led to the current war in Gaza. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and Iran have long placed a target on Israel’s back (not only because Israel is a Jewish state, but because it is a democracy and an ally of the United States). It … Read More

Financial Wellness Inventory

Brittany CominsNewsroom

The team at your State Treasury is focused on financial wellness, not just for the state’s finances, but for yours as well. As Financial Literacy Month draws to a close, it’s a good time to take a financial wellness inventory of your own journey. Whether you’re in your golden years or just starting to find financial independence, there are a … Read More

Protect Trump-Era Tax Cuts!

Brittany CominsNewsroom

I won’t be wishing anyone a “Happy Tax Day” in this column because let’s face it – there’s nothing happy about Tax Day. Yes, some will be getting a refund, but most understand it’s a refund of YOUR money – money you overpaid to the government that they’re now returning with no interest attached. It’s frustrating to say the least. … Read More

The Dangers of Debanking

Brittany CominsNewsroom

It wasn’t that long ago (maybe two or three years) that the term “debanking” existed far out of reach of the American lexicon. But in recent months, President Trump has drawn much-needed attention to this freedom-stifling tactic. If you aren’t familiar, debanking is a scheme used by large Wall Street institutions to impose their woke agenda on Main Street America, … Read More

April is Financial Literacy Month

Brittany CominsNewsroom

It’s no secret that at the State Treasury of Mississippi, we believe deeply in financial wellness for every citizen. And if you give us the opportunity, we’ll scream it from the rooftops to anyone who will listen, sharing our resources for families, individuals, and businesses when and where we can. We do this because we know financial wellness is critical … Read More

Developing Mississippi’s Economy

Brittany CominsNewsroom

I loved how Governor Tate Reeves summarized our economy during his recent State of the State Address: “[Mississippi] is based on timeless economies. Agriculture and Forestry. Manufacturing and Industry. Tradesmen, craftsmen, cultivators, and workers dominate our land.” And in today’s chaotic global environment, that is a solid foundation on which to stand. Afterall, regardless of the global dynamics, the world … Read More