Bidenomics is Broken

Brittany CominsNewsroom

The average Mississippian will spend $819 more per month today than they did four years ago just to maintain the same quality of life, according to the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee. That’s almost $10,000 a year! The increase comes in the form of higher gas prices, higher utility costs, and higher grocery bills, meaning no one is immune from … Read More

It’s never too late!

Brittany CominsNewsroom

One of my responsibilities as State Treasurer is to help improve the financial wellness of families within our state. Over the last few years, significant strides have been made. In fact, in 2017, our state was barely earning a passing grade in the Champlain College’s Center for Financial Literacy Report Card. In 2023, however, the state’s metrics changed. Mississippi High … Read More

Tax Credits Available!

Brittany CominsNewsroom

It’s tax season in Mississippi! Many are gathering their W-2’s, organizing the various other documents they’ve received in the mail, and filling out the IRS’s onerous paperwork. It’s a lot, but I might have one more piece of paper to add to the mix that could shave a little extra off your tax bill. Many don’t realize that a contribution … Read More

A $1.2 Billion Bailout Isn’t the Answer

Brittany CominsNewsroom

This February, President Biden announced he will be forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for another $1.2 billion in student loan cancelations. This is wrong. Mississippians who have paid off their debt or chose not to attend college shouldn’t be responsible for paying other people’s collegiate bills. It’s as simple as that. Of course, there’s no denying that student debt … Read More

College AND Career Savings

Brittany CominsNewsroom

One of the roles I have as your State Treasurer is to run the state’s 529 education savings program, which allows individuals and families to fund educational expenses for future learning opportunities. If you’ve been tracking us closely, you may have noticed our recent name change from College Savings Mississippi to Mississippi College and Career Savings. This change was made … Read More

A Win-Win Proposition

Brittany CominsNewsroom

There are very few true win-wins in this world, but in recent weeks, the State Treasury has found an opportunity for both taxpayers and our ally Israel to prosper. Since the October 7 terrorist attack, Israel has been forced to fight for its life as the only Middle Eastern democracy. It’s a battle that has cost both blood and treasure. … Read More

College Savings Program Relaunches as MS College and Career Savings

Brittany CominsNewsroom

JACKSON, Miss. – State Treasurer David McRae announced today the state’s 529 program has rebranded to become Mississippi College and Career Savings. The name change better reflects the true capacity of the program, which can be used for traditional four-year colleges, as well as vocational programs, apprenticeships, and other career training. “For years, Mississippi’s college savings program has helped put … Read More

Busting Budget Myths!

Brittany CominsNewsroom

As the State Treasurer, it is my job to be a good steward of Mississippi’s money and to responsibly manage our state’s budget, but I’m also asked to help expand financial wellness to others across our state as well. If you read my columns often, you’ll probably notice a trend. In nearly every piece I write about financial wellness, I … Read More

McRae Supports Ally, Boosts Taxpayer Returns with Israeli Bond Purchase

Brittany CominsNewsroom

JACKSON, Miss. – State Treasurer David McRae announced today the purchase of $10 million worth of Israeli bonds, which provide a higher rate of return than many other financing options and offer much-needed support to a key U.S. ally. “While this investment comprises just a small fraction of Mississippi’s investment portfolio, its impact on our ally, Israel, is profound,” said … Read More

National Unclaimed Money Day – Do you celebrate?

Brittany CominsNewsroom

If you scroll through Instagram, it seems as though there’s a “National Day” for almost anything: Houseplant Appreciation Day (Jan. 10), Scrabble Day (Apr. 13), Chocolate Chip Day (May 15), Hug Your Cat Day (Jun. 4), Left Handers Day (Aug. 13), and Clean Your Fridge Day (Nov. 15). Of course, there’s one day often left off the social media feeds: … Read More